Our Impact
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individuals connected to COVID-19 rental and financial assistance.
invested in homes affected by the 2021 winter storm.
provided to COVID-19 rental and financial assistance seekers.
We connected City of Houston and Harris County homeowners in need of home repair after Winter Storm Uri to home repair agencies funded by the Winter Storm Relief Fund.
We created a common application and guide for nonprofit home repair in Greater Houston. Read about how Harvey Home Connect assisted seekers of home repair services in the Greater Houston region affected by Hurricane Harvey.
We connected $38 million in funding from the Federal Cares Act to the landlords and tenants of residential rental properties in El Paso who experienced economic hardship as a result of or during COVID-19.
We facilitated the distribution of $160 million in direct financial assistance to families in need at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. Our common database collected recipient information, tracked payment progress and facilitated transparency between partner organizations.